Monday, January 5, 2015

365 Days of Blogging Challenge ( Day 5: My Hobby)

My hobby is collecting books.  I love self-help books. It inspires me. It gives me answers to my questions about life. I started loving books when I was in college.

I was a member of Book Lovers Club when I was in grade six. However, I was not really into reading that time. I only joined the club as an extra curricular activity because I was running for honor.

During high school, some of my classmates were patrons of Sweet Valley High. I was still not into reading but because of my classmates' influence I also joined in their hobby. I bought my own Sweet Valley High books too, then after reading I will let my classmates borrowed them. Some of my books were not returned.  But that was fine.

I started my fascination with books when I was in college. I'm not sure how they operate now but during my time our university allowed students to borrow up to five books. We were also allowed to take home what we borrowed and we were allowed to keep it for two weeks. I don't know why but I also have a sense of fulfillment looking at my library card with many stamps as proofs that I borrowed books. Maybe because I know that I have maximized the library fee that I was paying. Or maybe because I just want to brag to myself that I have read many books even if it was just one chapter per book. The books that I borrowed that time were not necessarily about the course that I was taking. I remember that I borrowed about Tai Chi and the Mystery of the Pyramids.

I also enjoyed staying in libraries. We have our College Library for College of Arts and Sciences and we also have University Library. The ambiance was so enticing to read. Rooms are spacious enough, tables are wide, chairs are comfortable, and lights are bright enough for reading. Our libraries are also enticing to sleep, he!he! It is the best place to do the power nap.

When I started to work and earn money, my priorities for my leisure budget are books. If a friend would ask me to watch a movie, I would say that it is expensive. I think movie tickets now are around two hundred pesos. But if I see a book of authors I like, two hundred pesos is low for me and I am willing to buy it even for seven hundred pesos as long as I have the budget. The authors I like are Bo Sanchez, Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, Anthony Robbins. I also like Jim Rohn but I do not have any of his books yet.

Here are some of my books:


I dream of having my own spacious library someday. It just makes me feel good looking at shelves with so many books.

Thank you for taking the time to read and God bless you.

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